“I found using this agent a very frustrating and difficult ......”
2 Star Review
Apr 17,2013
Apr 17,2013
Branch: London, 3 Parkway
Services: Relocation agent
Would you recommend?: No
Postcode: NW6
Branch: London, 3 Parkway
Relocation agent
Postcode: NW6
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I found using this agent a very frustrating and difficult experience. I understand that they are working on the Landlords behalf, but some degrees of flexibility would be helpful. My issues in no particular order were:-
>Refused initially to put our offer forward, until we had agreed to the terms that THEY wanted to set, not what we wanted to offer.
>Said no to a tenant only breakclause out right, without checking with landlord first. Wouldn't put offer forward until we had agreed this.
>Said no to options to renew without checking with landlord first. Wouldn't put offer forward until we had agreed this.
>Insisted on having full salary details & housing allowance details BEFORE putting Offer forward. Wouldn't put offer forward without them.
>Took 2 days for them to actually put offer forward.
>Insisted on using their own lease (Nothing wrong with their lease), just a point
>They work out the rent in a strange way, which is different to every other agent in London. Which means that the rent is more.
>Insist on referencing both husband and wife, even if wife doesn't want to be named as a tenant, only a named occupier. The cost is a massive £195 per person, compared to most agents that are around £45 - £50.
>Wanted 10 weeks deposit just because the tenant was coming in from abroad, even though they had a reference letter from the tenants employers.
As an agent they were generallty polite and responded to queries quite quickly. However they were unflexible and unhelpful in general and I would not reccommend them for corporate assignees and have advised people to use them only as a last resort.
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