Alphabet City is committed to providing a first-class service. Should you not be entirely satisfied, we want to hear from you so that we can put matters right and take steps to prevent the problem happening again.
To quickly resolve your complaint, please submit it in writing by either by email to
[email protected], or post to Caroline Conlon MNAEA, MARLA, Director, Alphabet City Ltd., 49 West India Dock Road, London E14 8HN. You will receive acknowledgement within one business day, and a full written response within 7 working days.
We would hope that the response received would be satisfactory. However, if you are not satisfied, you have the right to refer your complaint to The Property Ombudsman for Estate Agents at The Property Ombudsman for Estate Agents, Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2BP email:
[email protected], or ARLA (, or NAEA ( They will then consider the complaint and review the matter.