“Our house was advertised expeditiously and immediately attracted attention with ......”
5 Star Review
Aug 06,2013
Aug 06,2013
Branch: Salisbury, 54 Castle Street
Services: Sales (as a Vendor)
Would you recommend?: Yes
Postcode: SP1
Branch: Salisbury, 54 Castle Street
Sales (as a Vendor)
Postcode: SP1
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Our house was advertised expeditiously and immediately attracted attention with a sale coming within a matter of four days - and at an excellent price as far as we were concerned. There were a few difficulties in the process but we were delighted that Mr Thompson handled them speedily, professionally - and successfully. The price we wanted we got. The removal day we wanted we got and all the time we were aware that our interests were being carefully protected by the agents. Excellent, professional service and worth every penny.
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