“The absolute worst agency I have ever used. My complaint ......”
1 Star Review
Sep 06,2011
Sep 06,2011
Branch: Basingstoke, 35 Winchester St
Services: Lettings (as a Tenant)
Would you recommend?: No
Branch: Basingstoke, 35 Winchester St
Lettings (as a Tenant)
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The absolute worst agency I have ever used. My complaint list is now over 16 individual issues over the last 12 weeks, everytime I go to complete my complaint letter another issue arises. Rude staff, emergency numbers that do not work, no out of hours emergency contact information and useless diligence. It turns out my landlord shouldnt even have been letting the property out, but Gascoigne pees failed to do a complete check on what you would think would be standard checks. I cannot think of a single helpful thing they have done. It probably hasnt helped that the management side moved from a local office, to a county office to a "south" division office. I have to add that it is countrywide who manage as they are the group leader for the group which owns gascoigne pees. I cannot get out of this property quick enough, and I still have the inventory check out to do, lets see what they try to steal from my deposit!
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