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The 2023 allAgents People Awards

Allagents Trophy 2022

Select a category to view the winners.

Our people awards are broken down nationally and locally. For our national and regional agents awards, click on the category on the left. To find your local award winners, please use our search box or quick links below.

allAgents have funded these awards. This means that no-one has been charged an entry fee and allows everyone on our directory to be automatically entered, making this the UK's largest FREE customer awards scheme for agents and people working within the property industry. By keeping these awards FREE ensures that the winners have achieved award recognition based entirely on feedback from clients rating and sharing their customer service experiences. By counting customer reviews over one full year, it ensures that everyone is starting from a level playing field and provides a better way of evaluating an agent's performance as opposed to taking a snapshot of a shorter time scale.

The results are based on reviews posted during the periods 1st May to 30th April for People Awards. Reviews have been grouped by capacities: lettings ( Landlord, tenant, property management/repairs, prospective lettings customer) and sales (vendor, buyer, prospective sales customer). The agent must meet a minimum review target of our 4 star band, which is an average rating of 3.5 or above

Whilst allAgents have taken reasonable care on staff, firm and branch locations, we cannot guarantee the accuracy as some staff or agents have not updated their profile pages with the most current information. Please help us improve the accuracy by updating your staff and branch profiles. If there are any errors, duplicate profiles, spelling mistakes etc, please report them to us by emailing

Popular Regional Branch Awards
North LondonSalesLettings
East Central LondonSalesLettings
South East LondonSalesLettings
South West LondonSalesLettings
West Central LondonSalesLettings
North West LondonSalesLettings
Greater London NorthSalesLettings
Greater London SouthSalesLettings
South EastSalesLettings
South WestSalesLettings
North EastSalesLettings
North WestSalesLettings
Northern IrelandSalesLettings
Popular City People Awards
