Let’s not beat about the bush. Naming our property management software “TRAMPS” in 1985 wasn’t exactly the cleverest marketing idea. Even if the acronym stood, ever so logically, for TRAce Microcomputer Property System. But it didn’t seem to matter too much. The newly christened TRAMPS soon rose to become the UK’s leading commercial property management system.

Trace, 30A Great Sutton Street,

0)20 7825 1000

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Let’s not beat about the bush. Naming our property management software “TRAMPS” in 1985 wasn’t exactly the cleverest marketing idea. Even if the acronym stood, ever so logically, for TRAce Microcomputer Property System. But it didn’t seem to matter too much. The newly christened TRAMPS soon rose to become the UK’s leading commercial property management system.

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