Southwark, London, SE1
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“Not really what it says on the tin. Describes......”

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Feb 29,2024
By: 'rebeccawilliams'
Feb 29,2024
0 people found
this helpful
Not really what it says on the tin. Describes itself as an agency for selling 'marvellous historic homes'. But they were not interested in our property which is the largest part of a significant Tudor building (Grade II*), the remaining part of a larger manor house constructed in 1572 and owned by a prominent Royalist family for over 300 years (a portrait of them hangs in the National Portrait Gallery). It is documented that Elizabeth I was a guest in our house.
What they are really after is a particular style of interior, or 'aesthetic' so be aware that their choice of listings is very specific and limited.
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St Alphege Hall, Kings Bench Street,
Greater London
020 3687 3071

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“Not really what it says on the tin. Describes......”

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Feb 29,2024
By: 'rebeccawilliams'
Feb 29,2024
0 people found
this helpful
Not really what it says on the tin. Describes itself as an agency for selling 'marvellous historic homes'. But they were not interested in our property which is the largest part of a significant Tudor building (Grade II*), the remaining part of a larger manor ...
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Complaints Procedure

We strive to ensure that the process of buying and selling is as smooth as possible. However, in what can be a stressful transaction, occasionally things may not always go according to plan. With this in mind, we have a rigorous process to ensure any grievances that may arise are resolved as quickly as possible.

All employees take customer satisfaction very seriously and we will endeavour to resolve any issues swiftly and professionally.

If you wish to make a formal complaint, please put this in writing to our Head of Sales. On receipt of your letter of complaint, the Head of Sales (or a colleague if the Head of Sales is out of the office for any reason) will acknowledge your letter within three working days. We will then undertake a proper investigation and respond to you with a formal written outcome within 15 working days from the date of receipt of your written complaint.

Please write (by letter or email) outlining the specific details of your complaint to:

St Alphege Hall
King’s Bench Street

[email protected]

If you remain dissatisfied with this formal written outcome, you can further pursue the complaint and it will be reviewed by another senior staff member not directly involved in the transaction. This further review will be sent to you within 15 working days and will include a written statement of our final view.

We genuinely hope that all concerns can be settled amicably between us. However, if you remain dissatisfied with our final view you may seek redress through The Property Ombudsman, which provides a free, independent service for dealing with unresolved disputes. The Property Ombudsman will not consider your complaint until you have exhausted our internal procedure. Any referral to The Property Ombudsman must be made within 12 months of the date of our final view statement.

Their details are as follows:

The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
Wiltshire SP1 2BP

Should you wish to discuss your complaint at any stage of the process, please call 020 3687 3071.
Last updated at 2:29 PM 24/06/2021 by Ruby

Awards won by Inigo, London SE1 0QX

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