Bishop Auckland, DL14
4.2/5, 6 reviews
83% recommended
75% sales valuation accuracy
75% sales fee satisfaction

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“Kill me now for being so foolish!...”

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Jan 19,2019
By: 'Peter'
Jan 19,2019
9 people found
this helpful
All I can suggest is avoid avoid avoid paying up front for their amazing deals on selling your house. How naive of me as a grown educated individual to fall for such a stunt....what was going through my mind??? From the moment Dowen took my very hard earned money up-front they have failed to entice anyone through the front door for a viewing...not one person! I have had viewings via Dowens (3 of them actually in over 4 months) but, not one of these people were sought out by Dowen, they all sought a viewing of my house under their own steam via RIghtmove. I know this because I asked them. The level of service at Dowen is so shockingly bad I don't have one good thing to say about them...not one good point...nada...nothing!. When I do phone them to see if anyone is still awake or even alive in the office, as they never get in touch with me for frequent weekly or 10 day updates as promised, I generally have to fight to get a word in edge-ways as there appears to be a shop-practice theme of talking-over anyone who phones them. All very unprofessional and frustrating. I never get any answers either of what they have done to earn their money...'how are they marketing and promoting my house', 'how many calls have they made about my house' et cetera et cetera....Oh, I was subject to a pitch from them trying to talk me into reducing the price of my house....I pointed out they took my money to sell my house to others and not sell me the idea of reducing the price of my house after only a few weeks. I guess I'm just supposed to be comforted and feel satisfied that I'll be going out on the email mailing list again this week.....'palmed that di*khead off again with the auld mailing-list line' they probably giggle to themselves as they hang up the phone. In all honesty though, I feel so robbed... and I feel so stupid for letting myself being robbed.....I paid up front and got stung, and I know I'm not the only one either. Shame on you Dowens estate agents! Shame on you for taking peoples hard earned money and doing nothing to earn your way in life. All I can say is... At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!
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Opening Hours

119 Newgate Street
Bishop Auckland
County Durham
DL14 7EN

Performance statistics
Services Valuation Accuracy Fees Satisfaction Min Price of property reviewed Max Price of property reviewed
Sales 75% 75% £52,500 £330,000
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From Landlords From Tenants From Vendors From Buyers Other
1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1
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“Dowen estate agents in bishop Auckland...”

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Jul 20,2021
By: 'angela johnson'
Jul 20,2021
0 people found
this helpful
Dowen estate agents in bishop Auckland, we dealt with Dell there, I have to say very professional and polite while we were purchasing a house from them. answered questions quickly and in great detail. would recommend them....
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“Very happy with the service from Dowens in Bi......”

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Nov 26,2020
By: 'Judith'
Nov 26,2020
0 people found
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Very happy with the service from Dowens in Bishop Auckland. Thomas and Kelly are very friendly and were in regular contact when selling my house....
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Jun 13,2019
By: 'jhs'
Jun 13,2019
0 people found
this helpful
The staff were very helpful and contacted me on a regular basis with updates. They were friendly and supportive. They had good local knowledge....
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“Kill me now for being so foolish!...”

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Jan 19,2019
By: 'Peter'
Jan 19,2019
9 people found
this helpful
All I can suggest is avoid avoid avoid paying up front for their amazing deals on selling your house. How naive of me as a grown educated individual to fall for such a stunt....what was going through my mind??? From the moment Dowen took ...
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“Amazing service, couldn't fault the team who were very professional ......”

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Nov 10,2017
By: 'Lesleykno'
Nov 10,2017
0 people found
this helpful
Amazing service, couldn't fault the team who were very professional and sold my house very quickly. They kept me informed all the way through the process....
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Comment on agent fees
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“Both members of staff are very cheerful and friendly. They ......”

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Feb 17,2017
By: 'Mr.'
Feb 17,2017
1 people found
this helpful
Both members of staff are very cheerful and friendly. They have excelled in the rental market with our recent tenants more so than previous members of staff. We now look.forwatd to an early proofing their sales expertise. WhIch is an urgent request. Overall we ...
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Comment on agent fees
The special sales package is a good incentive allowing good budget control. Management charges on rental are a fair charge.
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure available.

Awards won by Dowen, Bishop Auckland DL14 7EN

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