Highgate, London, N6
2/5, 4 reviews
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67% lettings valuation accuracy
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“Horror Show...”

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Jun 19,2018
By: 'Charles'
Jun 19,2018
7 people found
this helpful
We went through a horrible and traumatic experience while being tenants of a property let and managed by Chancellors Highgate. Chancellors jeopardised our safety.
Last summer, on Saturday 8th July 2017, while we were away on holidays, a Chancellors contractor entered our property without our knowledge or consent. Chancellors had allowed the contractor to take the keys of our house without our knowledge or our consent. During several hours that afternoon, the contractor indecently exposed himself in our property, in our garden, in our kitchen and in front of neighbours who witnessed it: he “played” with his genital parts, went through our intimate belongings and did other repugnant things right next to our children's toys.
We came back from holidays on the 10th July 2017, unaware of this event. Chancellors failed to notify us of the incident until 16 days later despite being fully aware of the incident since the 10th of July. In the meantime, the contractor kept our keys for a few days as Chancellors did not bother checking he gave them back. With such a long time, he could have easily made a copy of the keys meaning that during more than two weeks, our children and us were completely vulnerable and at the mercy of this obscene man to come back, enter the property and do whatever came to his mind.
Following the announcement of this incident (which had been reported to the police by a neighbour), it felt to us like Chancellors had completely abandoned us. They were not eager to speak to us anymore and redirected us to the company's solicitor (!). Chancellors never offered any help, any support, never came to meet us to check that we were safe. We had to change the locks ourselves; the idea never came to their mind. The cleaning had to be done by a company which we paid ourselves. Chancellors had the cheek to come back with an email asking to come for an inspection to make sure that we as tenants were keeping the property in a good way! We were astonished by their conduct.
My wife and children stayed abroad. We had to move out of the property as we no longer felt safe and could no longer trust Chancellors. Chancellors were defiant and never admitted any liability. They offered us an insulting level of compensation.
I will never use Chancellors again due to my above experience.
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Opening Hours

2 South Grove
Highgate Village,London
Greater London
N6 6BS
020 8340 2600

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Lettings 67% 75% £3,000 £3,000
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1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
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“Helpful, efficient and speedy, they managed ......”

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Jul 07,2022
By: 'Maria'
Jul 07,2022
0 people found
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Helpful, efficient and speedy, they managed to find me a new tenant in no time. Thank you to Chancellors Highgate....
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“Despicable gazumpers. Did all my paperwork speedily. Paid money upfront ......”

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Jun 22,2021
By: 'Pet'
Jun 22,2021
1 people found
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Despicable gazumpers. Did all my paperwork speedily. Paid money upfront and found out they went behind my back to find another offer. My offer was accepted 2 weeks’ ago…...
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May 07,2019
By: 'Aaron'
May 07,2019
3 people found
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They have promised me on for occasions to take down some signs I have been up on my property over a year. I keep getting the same response that they promise I will meet you at the next working day, given up calllings as I've ...
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“Horror Show...”

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Jun 19,2018
By: 'Charles'
Jun 19,2018
7 people found
this helpful
We went through a horrible and traumatic experience while being tenants of a property let and managed by Chancellors Highgate. Chancellors jeopardised our safety. Last summer, on Saturday 8th July 2017, while we were away on holidays, a Chancellors contractor entered our property without our knowledge ...
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Awards won by Chancellors, London N6 6BS

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