Next Move Residential
0/5, 0 reviews
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0% sales valuation accuracy
0% sales fee satisfaction
0% lettings valuation accuracy
0% lettings fee satisfaction

Property Features

Having worked in the industry for a number of years we were fully aware of the view on agents and the issues customers find. You don’t just want someone who can show you houses – you can do much of that yourselves. Instead, you want an agent who is Trustworthy, ... show more Having worked in the industry for a number of years we were fully aware of the view on agents and the issues customers find. You don’t just want someone who can show you houses – you can do much of that yourselves. Instead, you want an agent who is Trustworthy, you want rapid and clear communication, someone who can stick to your schedule, Reasonable fees, a strong negotiator without being too pushy and finally the personal touch, after all, you are putting one of your biggest and most personal investments in our hands.

We therefore set out in starting up Next Move Residential, in order to put you our customers at the heart of everything we do. We know how important the sale or let of your property is to you, so we will do everything we can to get you the best possible result. We will pursue this purpose by providing unrivalled customer satisfaction with our fully transparent service keeping you informed every step of the way.

We strongly believe the key to good customer service is communication, responsiveness, transparency and exceeding expectations. As your priorities we intend to make these our priorities, we will hold ourselves to account and we expect you our customers to hold us to account as well.

As a member of NAEA and The Property Ombudsman, we are committed to meeting the highest industry standards. Working with us guarantees you are consulting with a professional who will give you up-to-date advice and guidance.

We hope you will put your trust in us with your Next Move as we look to represent a change in the customer journey, dealing with an estate agent that is so passionate about the foundations of our business and so proud to live by our company values, that they are the driver behind everything we do.

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Areas covered
  • CM17
  • CM18
  • CM19
  • CM20
  • CM21
  • CM16
  • CM23
  • EN10
  • CM1
  • RM1

6 New Pond Street,
CM17 9FG
01279 703300

Opening Hours
Services offered
  • Sales
  • Lettings
  • Block Management
  • Surveys
  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage Advice
  • Home Builder
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Vendor Fees


Landlord Fees

No fees set.

Tenant Fees

Last updated at 20/03/2023, 10:08 AM by Steven Bees
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a professional service to all our clients and customers. If things go wrong, we need you to tell us about them.
This will help us to resolve issues as soon as possible and improve our service going forward.
If you have a complaint, please put this in writing (letter or email) to us. We will acknowledge receipt within 3 working days and following investigation, will provide a formal written response within 15 days of receipt of the original complaint. We will address your specific complaint and propose resolutions where appropriate.
If you remain unhappy, your subsequent complaint will be investigated and within 15 days of receiving this complaint, we will provide a written response outlining our final position and proposing resolutions where appropriate.
Should you remain dissatisfied after receiving our final viewpoint letter, you can refer your complaint to:
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury SP1 2BP
01722 333306 | [email protected]
We consider the needs of the individual and, where appropriate, make reasonable adjustments for consumers who might be disadvantaged because of factors such as their age, infirmity, disability, lack of knowledge, lack of linguistic or numeracy ability, economic circumstances, bereavement or do not speak English as a first language.
Last updated at 9:08 AM 20/03/2023 by Steven Bees

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