Should you encounter any
problems with the services provided by Riley Marshall which the negotiator is
unable to resolve, please write to our office manager at
[email protected] in
the first instance. The complaint will be acknowledged within two working days
of receipt and Riley Marshall will take actions to address the problem. A
formal response will be sent back to you within 5 working days.
If this does not resolve your
issue then you can refer the case to
[email protected]. We are part of The Property
Ombudsman (TPO) scheme, a government approved Ombudsman that specialises in the
property market. If you do not feel that we have been able to resolve your
problems even after the above processes are followed then you can request a
letter that entitles you to refer the matter to TPO within six months for
review. For the avoidance of doubt, The Property Ombudsman will only review
complaints made by consumers and not agencies. More information is available
here However we would like to
reassure you that we take great pride in our customer service and so we will
endeavour to deal with any problems as quickly as possible. We would expect to
be able to resolve your issues quickly and at the first stage of this process.