“I could not recommend Fox & Sons on the basis of ......”
2 Star Review
Jan 23,2011
Jan 23,2011
Services: Sales (Prospective customer)
Would you recommend?: No
Sales (Prospective customer)
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I could not recommend Fox & Sons on the basis of my experience last year. I used them but I never really felt comfortable at any time. In fact I often felt really uneasy, and with hindsight I wish I had gone elsewhere. Since my experience, numerous local people who have sold or bought houses in Lewes all unhesitatingly recommended the more traditional firm opposite the law courts as decent and effective, with no hidden charges, and only charging one per cent, plus no high-pressure persuasion, and no creepy feeling of being manipulated. They told me that with the traditional firm, they didn't feel like a unit on a conveyor belt or part of some creepy deal to pressure buyers into mortgage deals. With Fox's I constantly had a nasty feeling they were going to spring hidden charges on me if I gave them half a chance. I cannot back any of this up with anything concrete. But when I let someone try to sell my property, I want to feel I can trust them 100% to work in my interest, and not theirs. I didn't have that feeling.
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