“I have personally used Belvoir offices in a number of ......”
5 Star Review
Feb 22,2010
Feb 22,2010
Services: Lettings (as a Landlord)
Would you recommend?: Yes
Lettings (as a Landlord)
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I have personally used Belvoir offices in a number of locations and have always found staff to be extremely good and their overall service to be far better than some high street letting agents. As a landlord I use letting agents to avoid the day to hassle of renting my properties to demanding tenants and to avoid exactly the issues listed within this column. I would strongly advise any landlord to use a reputable agent,rather than risk receiving dubious emails and telephone calls from disgruntled tenants who quite often have very unrealistic expectations of a service they feel they should be receiving from their landlord, just because they have to pay rent each month. Well done to all agents out there as I feel they do a sterling job on behalf of their landlords (who are their paying customers!).
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This demand for financial records is a disgrace and a total invasion of your privacy when a simple copy of your wage slip and possibly your employment contract would suffice.
It is not up to a letting agency to decide if you can pay the rent or not. I certainly would never give out my financial details like that and like your good self probably earn 3 times what the guy sat in their offices earns!
I also have reservations about them contacting my company! I don't want the office girl knowing my private business! Nor do I want my company put out for my private needs!