1 Star Review
Apr 23,2019
Apr 23,2019
Branch: Beckenham, 137-139 High Street
Services: They manage our building
Would you recommend?: No
Branch: Beckenham, 137-139 High Street
They manage our building
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A very promising sales pitch to get our business led us to feel we had chosen the right company to take management of our block. Alarm bells rang instantly when it took three attempts to send us a contract with firstly our company name and number. Then second version had right name, spelt incorrectly, and still wrong co. no. Third attempt got it right. From that point on communications were ignored, despite several attempts. Eventually we were forced to write a letter and send by recorded delivery. A shrill and defensive reply eventually received, with promise to try to improve their communications. Our next need to contact them was met by same wall of silence. We have given them notice and are now trying to get an invoice they've raised cancelled and our money refunded. Charged us for their time dealing with a company that they appointed to do a H&S and fire report. It wasn't fit for purpose, contradicted it's own recommendations and omitted most if the information we provided in advance. We refused to accept it or pay for it. VFM then decided to charge us for their time dealing with their contractor.
They have poor internal communications, messages not passed on. Are defensive if asked to improve, assuming you get a reply. Whole point of appointing them was to manage our block. Using them has taken up more time than self management.
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