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John C Boyle
264 Kilmarnock Road
City of Glasgow
G43 2XS
0141 636 5352
Services | Valuation Accuracy | Fees Satisfaction | Min Price of property reviewed | Max Price of property reviewed |
Lettings | 0% | 33% | £575 | £650 |
From Landlords | From Tenants | From Vendors | From Buyers | Other | |||||
3 | 0 | 9 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
No Properties
I've searched our records and I can't find you on our list of tenants.
We have a very strict policy of gaining permission from the tenant before entering a let property.
If you could obtain a written signed statement from your neighbour, I am very happy to investigate.
You said you paid a "finders fee of £199.
What year was this as I don't remember us ever charging as much as that. We stopped charging any fees on 1st October 2013 after we received definitive guidance from the Scottish Govt.
The new deposit protection regime came into force in July 2012 and we had transferred all deposits by the deadline which was Tuesday 13th November of that year.
Can you remember any details about the address, the name of the landlord or what staff members you dealt with?
If you can give me any details at all, I am happy to investigate.
You say you have talked to other people that were unhappy about my services.
Again, I would be happt to hear from them so I can address what issues they may have.
John C Boyle.
264 Kilmarnock Road
G43 2XS