Holland Properties Ltd
Docklands, London, E14
4/5, 69 reviews
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“Awful company. Poor quality maintenance work - they use the ......”

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Oct 27,2015
By: 'GM'
Oct 27,2015
14 people found
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Awful company. Poor quality maintenance work - they use the cheapest materials at hand and workmen who can't complete a job to satisfaction. During the last job the did for me the workman damaged my kitchen, which the company refused to repair - they're full of excuses and Daniel is the rudest person I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Avoid this agency if you have any desire for jobs to be done professionally or want a letting agency that treats people with respect.
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By: daniel coleman
Oct 30, 2015
Again this tenant has decided to post another bad review on a site. Again we will reply to the vindictive and petty nature of this tenant to explain what was so tragic it has scarred his being. On another site GM bemoaned that he had to threaten legal action to get work done, this was a lie and I notice he hasnt put this in his latest complaint. He also hasnt put that he cannot wait for his contract that he is stuck in to end, we spoke to the landlord and offered him the chance to leave at his leisure, unsurprisingly he declined. If GM believes me to be the rudest person he has ever dealt with then he has lived a very sheltered life, I have a high tolerance for imbeciles so I have been nothing but polite, slightly irked by his ridiculousness but never rude. Just so Mr McCarty is aware, we do not own the property he lives in, the works we instruct contractors to carry out are at the request of the landlords. If a landlord wishes to put in granite worktops and gold tops we are happy to arrange as long as they authorise cost, This review is all due to a hairline crack in a kitchen tile after the tenant made a song and dance about having the worktop changed due to slight warping from a faulty tap. The worktop did not need replacing but the landlords are more than reasonable and agreed to have it done. The worktop was from Ikea and was replaced like for like but involved removing most of the kitchen cabinets etc to get it out. Two tiles were cracked during this process, one was easy to replace so the contractor did, the other however was not so easy and would mean that other tiles would need removing and repair works to the wall behind which were an issue unconnected to the work going on. The contractor was happy to do the work but it was chargeable as they are not there to carry out additional works outside of their remit. The landlord was made aware and decided that the tile posed no issue to the quiet enjoyment of the property or the health and safety of the tenant so didnt wish to have the extra expense and hassle. The tenant couldnt grasp this and below are the emails that followed. As GM states above that NO he would not use this agent again, I can assure you would we rent to this tenant again, NOT A CHANCE. Its quite a long read through the correspondence but I think its quite amusing and shows the type of people we sometimes have to deal with. Please do start from the bottom and work your way up. Despite GM demanding the landlord stop using us we still manage the property in the correct and proper manner as we are required to do so by the Housing Act, ARLA and property ombudsman regulations.

Sent: 05 June 2015 12:25

Sent: 05 June 2015 12:11
Noted. You will be hearing from me formally.

Date: Friday, 5 June 2015 12:04
I have read you emails, I quote below

I have spoken today with my solicitor to confirm my rights and your obligations, and he confirmed that as your contractor caused damage you are fully liable for rectification, just as you would be for any other damage to anyone's property – the fact that the work is minor is irrelevant – you caused damage and so must correct it. I have been assured that should you wish to not correct the damage yourselves I would be well within my rights to have the work done independently and charge you the full amount by either offsetting against the rent or issuing action in the small claims court"

Your rights and obligations you refer to are covered under the provisions of the Housing Act so you are very much involving property law. If you can show me under what legal provisions you can withhold rent under the Sale of Goods & Services Act then please do?

I have already explained to you why the damage was caused. The contractor did indeed conduct their work with skill and reasonable care however there was collateral damage caused that could not be foreseen and therefore would not be covered under the remit of the initial work. It was unfortunate that the tile slightly cracked but it was not because the contractor was negligent or unskilled. The subsequent damage has been made safe so that no one cuts their hands or wrist on the offending tile so the matter has been resolved to a satisfactory condition, maybe not to you but within the eyes of the legal obligation of the landlord.

I have explained why it is not a simple process of replacing one tile, I have also advised that the landlord has been made aware of the additional work that is required in order to replace this one slightly cracked tile. They do not currently wish to undertake the costs for the work as it is not deemed necessary and the existing cracked tile has no impact on your quiet enjoyment of the property. It is unreasonable for you to expect the works to be carried out for a minor defect that has no bearing on your tenancy.

No one has questioned your care and attention to the property and the landlords have consistently agreed to instruct repairs despite not having obligation for some of them.

We are under no obligation to provide you with any further details and you are correct that I will have nothing further positive to say to you on the matter. Whilst I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that you would look to take a legal action for a slightly cracked tile that is now your prerogative and we shall obviously deal with any correspondence that we receive. Please be aware though that any costs incurred in dealing with this matter can be recoverable from you under the terms of the tenancy agreement so please do consider that before embarking on a frivolous action.

Sent: 05 June 2015 10:25

If you care to read the emails again I never mentioned property law, and as I'm sure you know, since you appear to be an expert in legal matters; the SoGaSA legislation does not require that a service is paid for – it covers all services provisioned irrespective of the ownership of the underlying item or the activity of ‘paying', and has specific provisions for tradesmen such as builders to conduct work …with reasonable care and skill" which was not the case in the replacement of the worktop. The fact that I have to resort to legal recourse to get your organisation to conduct itself reasonably should show you just how ridiculous you are being – any normal and well run business would see that it's good and moral practice to subscribe to the ‘if you break it – you fix it' concept. The fact is that your contractor, due to a mixture of sloppy working practices and a relatively shoddy piece of work done 3 years ago in the reconstruction of the kitchen, has broken something – the fact that it's a small item is irrelevant – he broke it, and so should fix it. How would you like it if a workman came to your house and broke something in the course of his work and refused to repair it? This entire conversation is somewhat idiotic and is representative of your business practices to be honest. The contractor was supplied through Holland Properties as an agent and so I have formally requested contact details for the provided agent so that I can issue appropriate requests to him for recourse – he was never provided as ‘an independent contractor' - he was and always has been provided as a member of your team and so I never had any reason to request his details. If you refused to provide me with his details I will have no other option but to issue the request to yourself as the contact party and should you then with to include the third party in the action you clearly have the legal right to do so.

We have, over the last 2 years made a large number of improvements to the property and the house is in exceptional condition – mostly due to our hard work, a fact commented on during the recent inspection when your team mentioned that this is the 'best maintained house on your books'. We have been exemplary tenants and have increased the value of this property substantially whilst requiring little of your organisation other than to professionally deal with the few items of maintenance we couldn't take care of ourselves and on every occasion we have had to battle with Holland Properties to get anything done, and when it is done I'm faced with no-shows, spontaneous attendance, shoddy work and excuses, and as a tenant I'm informing you that it's not good enough.

This issue has nothing to do with the Council – this has to do with your inability to provide sufficient services or abide by legislation enacted specifically to cover inadequately provisioned goods and services or services provisioned without sufficient care or skill, and I think speaks to the business practices we have seen over the last few years. Trying to sidestep your obligations by hiding behind the Housing Act is a cowardly way to avoid your responsibilities as a service provider.

I don't expect to hear anything positive from you, and so I formally give notice that you have 28 days from today in which to either arrange to rectify the work in the kitchen or provide me with the contact details for your agent, after which time I will issue formal proceedings.

Date: Friday, 5 June 2015 09:45
As an owner and director of Holland Properties I can assure you that you are speaking to the best person to deal with your concern. The fact you are talking to me means that the matter is being taken very seriously.

This matter has everything to do with property law. You are a tenant in the property and yours and the landlords rights and obligations are therefore governed by the Housing Act and property law. If you would kindly read through your tenancy agreement it is all clearly stated in there and I would be happy to go over it with you to point out why you are wrong.

Despite trying to use property law in your earlier email to state you are within your rights to withhold rent I can see that you may well have looked further into this or spoken again with your solicitor" as you are now quoting the Supply of Goods & Services Act. Obviously if the service was provided to you then you must have instructed and paid for it so you would already have all the relevant details in order to recover your monies paid to cover the cost of reinstatement?

Again I reiterate, the service was not provided to you, the property damaged was not yours, you have not been asked to pay for any costs relating to it. The landlord has acted under their rights and obligations under the terms of the tenancy agreement.

I do not deny that my tone in my emails has been curt, and whilst it is a reciprocation of your tone I also find it rather irksome when people start threatening solicitors and quoting their rights when they actually do not know full facts or what their rights or the rights and obligations of a landlord are. As advised the best recourse for you here would be to contact Tower Hamlets Housing officers and report the issue as a tenant that is having his rights breached. If they visit and subsequently advise me that the works are deemed necessary to carry out then I will gladly speak with your landlords and arrange this.

Sent: 04 June 2015 19:47

This has nothing to do with property law – you (or in the case that, as you say, you are all independent companies; the contractor himself) are liable under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. The service was provided to me, and not to the landlord, and as such I have a cause of action against the contractor to remedy the damage. If you would provide me with this details I would be more than happy to issue the appropriate paperwork against him, and if necessary issue the small claims court action if he does not wish to correct his mistake.

The tone of your email is extremely curt, dismissive and rather unprofessional – I guess I should expect it after the way the relationship has deteriorated over the last 12 months (starting well before the renewal negotiation) and I am not at all happy with the way this situation has been handled. As per my original request; I would appreciate it if a senior member of the Holland Properties team could contact me as I would like to talk with someone who can take the matter seriously.

Date: Thursday, 4 June 2015 19:34

As mentioned in my earlier email, I shall speak with the contractor with regards why he couldn't attend yesterday. Please be aware these are no employees of Holland Properties but independent companies so we have no immediate jurisdiction over how they plan their days. I apologise if there was an inconvenience and your parents were more than welcome to turn him away at the door as you have done before, as they did not the 3 inches of missing mastic that was causing such a concern was replaced.

Please be advised that the property is not your property that was damaged, your solicitor should have advised you of that. Should the owner wish to take umbrage with the damage then they would be entitled to take further action against Holland Properties or the contractors that were instructed. I would suggest that you contact the councils environmental health department to look at the issue and should the damage" pose a serious risk to your health then we shall obviously rectify the matter. For you solicitor to suggest you can carry such frivolous works out at will and deduct from the rent is unprofessional and mis-leading. If they would like me to explain to them why then I would be happy to do so but from what you say I would garner that they are not particularly familiar with property law.

The issue that I see here is that since the rent increase was requested, which you were most unhappy about, your nose has been put out of joint and you seem to expect that you should be living in a brand new property and therefore any little item you see should be dealt with immediately in order for you to get your monies worth. Unfortunately this is not how a tenant landlord relationship works and it is up to the owner to authorise such repairs at their discretion especially of they be deemed unnecessary in the general course of the tenancy.

Please also be aware that you did not actually copy in the landlord but his partner, and I can assure you that they are fully aware of the situation at the house relating to your concerns.

Please note that we do not have a business relationship, you have a tenancy agreement with the owner of the property, the fact you transfer rent though Holland Properties does not in turn make us business associates. All your concerns have been addressed and your landlords have been more than generous in accommodating your requests including a fence that cost over £2000 and they were under no obligation to agree to.

Whilst you may believe that we are squeezing you for every penny, I would suggest that you investigate what current rents are as you will discover that you are paying below market value. The maintenance you are fighting for are mainly items that a general wear and tear that you expect to be remedied, this includes some shrinkage cracks the paint work which again are aesthetic and are unlikely to be painted during the term of your tenancy unless of course your landlord wishes to pay for the works, which at present they don't.

From Holland Properties perspective the matter has been resolved to an acceptable level, the 3 inch crack in the tile poses no risk to you or the property and it has been noted that this was not your responsibility to repair so that at the end of your tenancy you will not be charged. The owner has also been spoken with and he is happy at the resolution and currently sees no reason for further repair works to be carried out, if their perspective changes then I will of course discuss that with them.

Sent: 04 June 2015 19:06
The contractor did indeed visit today, again; a day late and without an appointment, which is not unsurprising considering your record of missing appointments and turning up unannounced, but annoying nonetheless. At some point I would like to talk with you about this area as it is becoming more and more difficult to accommodate sloppy timekeeping.

The answer regarding the tile is not acceptable. I wouldn't expect the landlord to pay for the work (and I have copied them to this mail to ensure they understand the situation) – this was entirely the fault of Holland Properties as it was the negligent work of your contractor and so should be rectified by Holland Properties – this is not maintenance work on the house which should be charged back to the owner.

I have spoken today with my solicitor to confirm my rights and your obligations, and he confirmed that as your contractor caused damage you are fully liable for rectification, just as you would be for any other damage to anyone's property – the fact that the work is minor is irrelevant – you caused damage and so must correct it. I have been assured that should you wish to not correct the damage yourselves I would be well within my rights to have the work done independently and charge you the full amount by either offsetting against the rent or issuing action in the small claims court – I'm sure neither of us wants to start that process as it will undoubtedly end up costing more than having your contractor simply putting right the mistake he made.

It is unfortunate that over the last year such a promising business relationship seems to be souring – I get the distinct impression that Holland Properties is only interested in squeezing every last penny out of this rental arrangement and the customer service and care we were promised originally seems to be evaporating rapidly. The negotiation over the renewal and subsequent rental increase I found aggressive and pushy, and I have to fight for every bit of maintenance – this particular item I find especially troubling since it isn't actually maintenance, but a correction of damage your team caused. I also pointed out during the inspection a problem with the tap recently fitted and extensive cracks developing all over the house – neither of these have been addressed either.

I will be available tomorrow if you wish to discuss the matter further, and I look forward to an acceptable resolution of the situation with the damage in the kitchen in particular.


Date: Thursday, 4 June 2015 17:30
Dear Glen

Dee has passed me across your messages, I did try to call your mobile earlier but there was no answer.

I had spoken with the contractor yesterday with regards to various jobs and he had said he would be attending both XXX and XXX. I hadn't heard from any parties so it was assumed he had visited as discussed. I havent spoken to him today but obviously you have confirmed that he has arrived today and I shall speak to him tomorrow when he comes to collect keys for other jobs.

As you know there was a lot of work required in order to replace the worktop including removal of cupboards and appliances. Unfortunately when worktops etc are removed there can be collateral damage to surrounding tiles as they are fragile items. Such damage is not covered by contractors under the repairs as circumstances mean that the damage is accidental and also not foreseeable or preventable. If additional damage is caused then we will always advise the owners and if the work has to be done then we look to agree that with them, in cases where the damage is more aesthetic and not detrimental to the property then the decision lies with the landlord as to whether they want to pay for the additional repairs or just have it noted on the inventory.

Due to the position of the tile and the condition of the wall behind there is a lot more work required than just removing 1 tile as the wall behind is hollow and will require work along with the likelihood that further tiles will break during the works. I have spoken with your landlord and they do not feel that for such a minor issue, they do not want to cover the extra expense at this time.

Obviously Dee has confirmed that the damage has been noted and will be excepted at the time of check out.

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Holland Properties Ltd
429 Westferry Road
Greater London
E14 3AN

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Sales 100% 100% £190,000 £730,000
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Dec 05,2023
By: 'Avoid Holland Properties'
Dec 05,2023
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Anisa Choudhury and Holland Properties - AVOID Problems since the start of the tenancy - they promised to fix but nothing has happened Withheld deposit even though it has been past the deadline to return deposit As I am sure you will have read previous ...
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Aug 27,2023
By: 'D.Gombos'
Aug 27,2023
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Hello. ‼️ WANT PEACE OF MIND? STAY AWAY.‼️ Although I informed this agency for any problem, they want to withhold my deposit. I have all the evidence with pictures, videos, emails, all up to date. They blame me for stopping the money, but the apartment was ...
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“We have been tenants of this magnificent rive......”

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Aug 04,2023
By: 'Blair Ross'
Aug 04,2023
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We have been tenants of this magnificent riverside property since May 2021 and our overall experience with Holland has never fallen below 100%. They have been super attentive to all our needs and a special mention needs to be made to Jorge, Suzanna and more recently, our ...
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“We have been tenants of this magnificent rive......”

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By: 'Blair Ross'
Aug 04,2023
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We have been tenants of this magnificent riverside property since May 2021 and our overall experience with Holland has never fallen below 100%. They have been super attentive to all our needs and a special mention needs to be made to Jorge, Suzanna and more recently, our ...
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“Update 2023I am changing my review from excellent to poor. ......”

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Aug 04,2023
By: 'DrMP'
Aug 04,2023
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Update 2023 I am changing my review from excellent to poor. Excellent applied to the old management of Holland Properties. Poor applies to the new management. We have been long term tenants; since the new management took over we face delays in priority maintenance (my elderly/...
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“Potentially expensive clause...”

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Dec 19,2022
By: 'Maria'
Dec 19,2022
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Apart from other reservations, as a landlord I decided not to take things further with this company when I discovered that there was a clause in their terms and conditions which stated that: "Upon termination of the Management services, the parties acknowledge and agree that ...
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By: Allen
Feb 24, 2023
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Had to read that three times to make sure that I had got it right. Astonishing! Thanks for the warning. ...

“Susanna and the team at Holland consistently ......”

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Aug 03,2022
By: 'Peter'
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Susanna and the team at Holland consistently deliver first class service in managing my properties. Always readily available and prompt in handling enquiries....
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“Thank you, Susana and the team at Holland Pro......”

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Apr 30,2022
By: 'Finley Taylor'
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“We had our rental property managed by Holland......”

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Mar 23,2022
By: 'Peter'
Mar 23,2022
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We had our rental property managed by Holland Properties since we purchased it in 2008, and we received a good standard of service and communication. A complete senior management change was instigated in summer 2021 and almost all the original staff left the business within a couple ...
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By: Helen
Sep 15, 2022
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Probably due to staff turnover. I see that the "Head of Client Service" has now moved on after only seven months. ...

“Simply the worst estate agent I've ever dealt with:a) ......”

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Feb 14,2022
By: 'George'
Feb 14,2022
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Simply the worst estate agent I've ever dealt with: a) They had agreed to remove a pointless cupboard in the living room and then failed to do so, preventing me moving in properly due to the amount of space taken up. They then failed repeatedly ...
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By: Carl
Nov 26, 2022
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Reflects my experience. Work not carried out, lies, evasion, deception. High staff turnover (why, I wonder?), calls not returned. Avoid any property managed by these cowboys. ...

“Had a terrible check out experience with this......”

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Oct 12,2021
By: 'Linda'
Oct 12,2021
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Had a terrible check out experience with this , initially at the start of our tenancy the company was okay. They were very helpful in the beginning. But during our tenancy standards seemed to have slipped, firstly it took forever for repairs, the flat we were ...
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“We were in contact with Tierney, who was very......”

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Oct 06,2021
By: 'Marty Gionis'
Oct 06,2021
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“My entire move and moving in experience with ......”

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Oct 06,2021
By: 'Cheryll'
Oct 06,2021
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“Awful company to do any business with...”

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Sep 14,2021
By: 'GM'
Sep 14,2021
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Awful company to do any business with. I lived in a property they managed for 8.5 years, never once late with rent and looked after the place well, which as a landlord myself I know how that's actually something of a rarity these days, this despite ...
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“Vincenzo was very helpful in finding a suitab......”

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Jul 23,2021
By: 'Ivan'
Jul 23,2021
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Vincenzo was very helpful in finding a suitable property for my needs. He is always responsive and proactive whenever I have an issue I need help with. What I am particularly impressed with is his response speed. He may be busy with viewings but he ...
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By: Vincenzo
Aug 02, 2021
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Hi Ivan, thank you very much for your words. it was a pleasue to help you. I wish you all the best! Vincenzo ...

“Holland Properties is the regions number one ......”

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May 06,2021
By: 'Stacey'
May 06,2021
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Holland Properties is the regions number one property management company in the UK. I have been a long term customer for over 15 years as the team are very professional and have always been extremely helpful. I have always felt they represent my best interests and ...
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By: selina westerman
May 06, 2021
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Thank you so much Stacey, we are pleased that you are happy with our service and we have enjoyed working with you for the past 15 years ...

“Excellent agency, I got along very well with ......”

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Jan 26,2021
By: 'Libero'
Jan 26,2021
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Excellent agency, I got along very well with them. They are helpful and very professional. The apartment the agent showed me is very nice, there were no false promises or omitted defects....
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“The service Nick has provided has been excell......”

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Jan 18,2021
By: 'Steve'
Jan 18,2021
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The service Nick has provided has been excellent. He has always responded promptly and has always been on time with every viewing. All questions have also been answered in a timely manner....
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“Reasonably priced fee structure...”

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Jan 15,2021
By: 'Steven'
Jan 15,2021
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Reasonably priced fee structure Limited charging for incidentals compared to other local agents. riendly staff, will respond to my requests or those of the tenant promptly and arrange services very promptly....
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“Professional and Helpful...”

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Jan 15,2021
By: 'Eugene'
Jan 15,2021
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After carefully discussing my letting requirements with three firms, I selected Holland Properties. A decision I have not regretted. The whole team at Holland Properties has been extremely helpful. From the initial consultation with Nick outlining the steps to letting, to Tierney hosting viewings and ...
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“First time buyer...”

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Jan 14,2021
By: 'Natasha'
Jan 14,2021
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I'm a first time buyer so was nervous about the process but was good to have Holland Properties on hand to guide me through the purchase. Nick was especially friendly and easy to reach. Thanks for your support!...
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“The most thrust worthy agent on the Isle of Dogs...”

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Jan 14,2021
By: 'Kamen Sharlandjiev'
Jan 14,2021
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Holland Properties are the most thrust worthy agency on the IoD. I’ve been their client for the past 3-4 years, letting properties and I’m also using them for a purchase of our first property in UK. I was always able to count on ...
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“An amazing company, very professional....”

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Jan 14,2021
By: 'Caterina'
Jan 14,2021
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An amazing company, very professional. Our agent Nick was super professional, quick to help with my enquires as well as to provide all the services I needed after moving in my new home....
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“I moved into a property in June, they failed ......”

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Dec 27,2020
By: 'Nicola'
Dec 27,2020
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I moved into a property in June, they failed to tell me the property had previously been infected with rats and mice. I still had mice in the garden in the summer which I paid to have removed professionally. I called them for to fix ...
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By: daniel coleman
Dec 28, 2020
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Dear Nicola, Im not surprised at your review based on your attitude as weve tried to help with the boiler issue since yesterday, less than 24hrs ago. Id like to clarify a few things though as youre not fully telling the truth. Ill start with the mice issue, that youve never mentioned previously im assuming because the issue was dealt with long before you moved in and hasnt reoccurred. The issue was prior to us managing the property but we took care of the issue for the landlords as their previo ...

“Great service, responsive, courteous and grea......”

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Dec 14,2020
By: 'Victor'
Dec 14,2020
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Great service, responsive, courteous and great value. Changed over from another agency to Holland Properties and have been very happy with the service and attention. Special mention to Nick A who has been the main point of contact, always available, offers reasoned advice, able to ...
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“I have been using services from Holland Prope......”

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Nov 12,2020
By: 'Mo'
Nov 12,2020
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I have been using services from Holland Properties since 2014. Over this period I have never received anything less than excellent service from any of their team members. What a great competent, friendly, polite and professional team. Well done guys!!!...
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By: Selina Westerman
Nov 12, 2020
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Thank you for taking the time to do this review ...

“Holland Properties at its Best.!...”

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Sep 14,2020
By: 'Vivek'
Sep 14,2020
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Been with Holland Properties with almost 2.5 yrs. There was not a single incident when I called them and they were not available for help. May it be a electrical appliances or may it be a small carpentry work. It was like Consider It Done from ...
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“Great experience...”

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Sep 02,2020
By: 'Clarissa'
Sep 02,2020
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this helpful
Nick was great and very helpful, and usually responded to my texts and emails within a few hours. It was stressful having to find an apartment virtually and moving from a different country, but Nick handled my many questions very well....
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“Andy was really kind and came to help us with......”

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Jun 08,2020
By: 'Alice'
Jun 08,2020
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Andy was really kind and came to help us within 5 minutes, we felt very reassured and were saved from what would have been a nightmare situation...
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By: Selina Westerman
Jun 08, 2020
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Thank you for your comments :-) ...

“Excellent hard working estate agents who are ......”

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May 07,2020
By: 'Rebecca'
May 07,2020
0 people found
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Excellent hard working estate agents who are well experienced in their field. Very pleasant to deal with know what they are doing. Even through the lockdown, went above and beyond to help me. I will be highly recommending you to friends and family. All dealings ...
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Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

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Last updated at 3:02 PM 19/08/2022 by Andre de Almeida

Awards won by Holland Properties Ltd, London E14 3AN

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