Complaints Procedure – Metro Village Limited
At Metro Village Ltd we do everything we can to make sure our clients receive the best possible service. We do however recognise that problems may sometimes arise. When this happens we would like clients to tell us about their complaints so that we can review our performance and develop more effective procedures for the future.
All complaints must be given in writing to the following address/es:
[email protected]
Metro Village Limited
Toronto House
Surrey Quays Road
SE16 7AJ
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about the service or actions by Metro Village Ltd.
What are the time limits?
1. Acknowledge in writing receipt of complaint within five working days of receipt.
2. Final response or a letter explaining why a final response cannot yet be issued within two weeks of
3. Final response within four weeks of receipt.
Who is responsible for resolving complaints?
We are responsible for investigating and resolving any complaint about services provided by us.
We will ensure that the problem is resolved quickly and with as much client satisfaction as possible.
What will happen when we receive a complaint?
We will try to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible. If our investigation is taking longer than expected and we are unable to provide the client with our final response within 14 working days we will advise the client of this in writing and we will provide the client with regular updates until our final response is issued.
On receipt of your complaint we will:
Record the complaint on our records
Ensure the complaint is dealt with by a member of staff that is suitably trained.
Provide the client with a further copy of our complaints handling procedure
Notify the client of the outcome of our investigation
Our Response
If we are unable to resolve the complaint within two weeks, we will again write to the client explaining the reason for the delay and let them know when we expect to be able to send them a final response. We will also keep you advised.
Final Response
A Final response will be sent in writing to the complainant
Thank you very much for your comments/views on Metro Village.
We are very pleased you were happy with the service you received. It was a pleasure dealing with you both.
Meanwhile we hope you enjoy your property & we will keep in touch.
Kind Regards,