1 Bedroom Apartment to Rent
Southampton Street, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 6AE tenancy info
£196 pw | £850 pcmLet Agreed
Southampton Street, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 6AE tenancy info
£196 pw | £850 pcm
Available End of July 2016 * Double Bedroom * Modern Kitchen * Shower Room * Communal Gardens * Allocated Parking * Close to Shops And Train Station * Unfurnished * Close To Farnborough Airport
North Camp is situated just north of the Basingstoke Canal and has grown into a mixture of civilian and military life. It is a self-contained suburb of Farnborough as originally it was known as the Victorian town centre for Farnborough.
North Camp offers a business and retail area that meets the shopping needs of the local residents with larger shopping centres being nearby at Farnborough and Aldershot. Buses serve the centre, while North Camp railway station is approximately a half mile away.
LIVING ROOM: 14'5 X 13'4
Oak wooden flooring, feature fire place, patio doors leading to communal area.
KITCHEN: 9'8 X 7'2
Range of eye level and base level units, 4 ring gas hob, integrated oven and slim line dishwasher.
BEDROOM: 13'5 X 13'1
Bay window, feature fireplace.
White suite including wash hand basin, WC & shower cubicle.
This property is marketed by:
Blue House Estate Agents Ltd - Bagshot, Bagshot, GU19
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