Tenant Fees
Permitted payments For properties in England, the Tenant Fees Act 2019 means that in addition to rent, lettings agents can only charge tenants (or anyone acting on the tenant's behalf) the following permitted payments:
Holding Deposit will be the equivalent to one weeks rent (this will hold the property whilst references are carried out)
Five Weeks Deposit (the equivalent to five weeks rent)
Tenancy Amendments £50.00 plus VAT (£60.00 inc VAT)
Tenancy Renewal Fee for tenancies entered into on or before 31st May 2019 £75.00 plus VAT (£90.00 Inc VAT)
Early Termination Fee should you require to end the tenancy early, tenants will be liable to cover the rent until a suitable tenant is found & to cover the landlords agency fees (all fees will be discussed and put in writing)
Tenants will be charged at cost to replace Keys/Security Fobs/Parking Permits
Property Redress Scheme: The Property Ombudsman (TPO) Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Wiltshire, SP1 2BP
Client Money Protection: Propertymark, Arbon House, 6 Tournament Court, Edgehill Drive, Warwick, CV34 6LG
Last updated at 06/06/2019, 4:57 PM by kate Palmer